Seizure Diagnostics is a Video EEG service provider for the detection & diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy from adults to neonates
We service hospitals, clinics, research institutions, and the general public.
Our Team
Seizure Diagnostics has a team to serve all of your EEG needs
- Remote EEG Technologist (ABRET Registered & Certified)
Experience in remote VEEG monitoring of adults to neonates patients in ICU, NICU, ED & EMU.
- EEG Reading Physicians
Licensed and board certified Clinical Neurophysiologist or Epileptologist from UCLA, UCSD, Stanford University Medical Center, Duke University, Emory Clinic, Rush University and others, will interpret and report write.
- Home VEEG Service Personnel
Experience in setting up Home VEEG studies with patients of all ages and disabilities.
Our Services
Click on services for more info
Benefits Partnering Us
- No Start-Up Cost
- No Additional Work, No Additional Staff Needed
We handle everything from start to end.
- Decrease Workload For Your Doctors & EEG Techs
Unburdening your doctors and techs by outsourcing Home VEEG services, interpreting & report writing to us.
- Shortening Patients’ Waiting Time For EEG Appointments
Our service will allow earlier EEG appointments, and faster follow-ups with intervention.
- Minimizing Patients’ Visits To Hospital/Clinic
Our home service allows patients to have their VEEG studies done at home.
- Optimizing Schedules & Increase Job Satisfaction
Our service will help free up busy schedules and with less workload, doctors will have more quality time for patient care, consultation, patient management and intervention.
- No Constraints In Ordering Video EEG For Patients Anymore
Our services will free up constraints such as unavailability of EEG techs or reading doctors due to shifts, vacation, sickness, work overload and behind with cases, inexperience with certain population,…. We got you covered!
- Promote Your Hospital/Clinic
Promote your superior outpatient care by outsourcing VEEG home services to us.
- New Revenue Stream
Earn hassle free extra revenue by offering these VEEG services.